Fungal acne is a struggle for many because it’s hard to not only diagnose but also treat. The challenge with fungal acne is that it looks very similar to regular acne. Fungal acne is caused by an overgrowth of yeast also known as pityrosporum folliculitis. This shows on the skin in a form of small bumps similar to pimples.
So what exactly is fungal acne? Fungal acne is a specific type of papular acne. Although fungal acne can seem very similar to regular acne luckily there are a few ways you can differentiate the two. Firstly fungal acne typically shows up in clusters rather than on its own as well as this typically regular acne shows up in different shapes and sizes while fungal acne typically appears as small uniform red bumps. Fungal acne typically shows up on the back or chest but it can appear on the face. When it is on the face it is typically on the forehead or near the mouth area. It is also typically itchy even more so than regular acne.
So what exactly causes fungal acne and how do you prevent it? Luckily it’s once you know how it’s quite easy to avoid fungal acne. One of the number one causes of fungal acne is heat and humidity. People who live in hotter climates are more likely to have fungal acne, this is because the yeast that causes fungal acne thrives in humid environments.
Another big cause of fungal acne is sweat. It’s pretty common knowledge to shower after a workout but your sweat isn’t just making you feel gross it could also be causing fungal acne. Since yeast can be contagious, contact with others who have fungal acne can also cause you to gain it.
Unfortunately, normal acne treatments don’t typically work on fungal acne. The good news is that once you spot it there are a couple of different ways you can treat it. One of the most popular treatments for fungal acne is actually dandruff shampoo. As surprising as it is many people have actually had great results treating their fungal acne by using anti-dandruff shampoo on their faces. This is because most anti-dandruff shampoo includes an ingredient called selenium sulfide. Selenium sulfide has antifungal properties. Another somewhat odd treatment for fungal acne is honey. Honey also has strong anti-fungal properties, putting straight honey on your face in areas with acne is a super-easy way to help fungal acne. Showering/washing your face more regularly can also help to prevent the yeast build-up that causes fungal acne. Other over the counter antifungal treatments are also a great way to treat fungal acne.