Stress is a common thing everyone goes through, unfortunately so are breakouts. Almost everyone has experienced acne at some point or another and they probably will experience more in their lives. Unfortunately there are a lot of different things that can cause breakouts whether it be hormones, clogged pores, unhealthy diet or even stress. That’s right, stress not only takes a toll on your mental health but also your skin, which can make stressful times even more stressful than they already are. The worst part about stress breakouts is it can be difficult to figure out whether stress is what’s causing your acne. But luckily it’s not impossible.
Stress is a very probable reason you’re experiencing breakouts this is because when you’re stressed your stress hormones rise signaling your body to produce more oil in your oil glands. This however is different from hormonal acne caused by your period. Hormonal acne has the same effect on the oil glands. The best way to tell the difference is to track your acne. For example if you’re noticing you get breakouts during a certain time of your cycle every month it’s probably not a stress hormone (unless something stresses you out the same time every month). You can also track if you’re breaking out after using a certain product. It is likely related to that product rather than stress.
There is also another way to spot stress acne. Stress acne typically appears in the cartian spots on the face. If you often experience acne in your T-zone (above your eyebrows on the forehead, and down to nose and chin in a T shape) it is quite possibly related to stress. If pimples in that area are accompanied by blackheads, whiteheads, larger pores, shiny/oily skin, redness or itchiness it’s most likely because of stress as regular acne won’t appear with these symptoms.
Now that you know what stress acne is it would be useful to know how to prevent it. But before we learn to prevent it we need to understand exactly how stress acne works. As it may seem quite simple, stress acne goes deeper than just stress. As you may know acne is typically linked to hormones the same goes with stress acne. Stress triggers the release of a hormone called cortisol also known as “the stress hormone”. Cortisol in high enough amounts disrupts the hormone levels that control the sebum balance in your skin, which in turn can result in clogged pores which can result in acne. Stress can also cause hormonal changes that simply worsen your acne.
So finally how can we prevent stress acne? Firstly taking care of your skin and regular acne treatments are a great way to deal with stress acne. Some options to use for acne treatment are topical over the counter treatments such as salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. It’s important to figure out what works for your skin, if your stress acne isn’t going away it’s important to switch up your routine and figure out what’s going to help. If nothing seems to work, it’s important to talk to a dermatologist to see what you can do.